Toddlers need to move

Are you giving your toddle a chance to move? I mean really chances to move all day long?

For a long time I was so nervous about giving my toddler opportunities to move because I was scared he was going to hurt himself. When we went to the park, my child was the one jumping from the top of the playground and going down the slide backwards and running full speed towards the concrete sidewalk. 

 The comment that I constantly heard was “Wow, he’s all boy.” I guess that means that he takes risks and doesn’t fear being physically hurt. But spoiler alert boys and girls play hard and some children play harder than others.

 Maximum effort is when a child uses all their strength and effort to move themselves,  something else or to complete a task. So if you’re wondering why your toddler always wants to walk on the curb instead of on the flat ground---Maximum effort.

Why does my child run up the slide when everyone else is sitting and sliding down---Maximum effort.


Why is my child looking for the largest branch to carry during our walk---Maximum effort.


Why is my child pushing their dump truck and running as hard as they can into a wall--- Maximum effort.


Our children are learning about physical limitations. 

They are learning about natural consequences.

They are exploring pushing, pulling, tugging, balancing, throwing and falling.

The more experience they have, the more tools they will have for future exploration.

 Embrace it Mama —- and that will take your Maximum effort. 
— Prepared Beginnings Montessori

The toddler years and why I love them.


Balance Bike