The toddler years and why I love them.
Hey there everyone, as my youngest (currently 13 months) moves into the toddler years, I’m reminded of the burst of curiosity that comes with freedom of movement. I’ve been taking some time to think about some of the biggest challenges we faced with our older 2 children when they were young toddlers. Here is what comes to mind.
So far this is what describes the toddler years in our home…
Frustration with communication as they have some words but not always the words that they need.
Repetition that young toddlers crave but as a parent it was hard to read the same book 5 times in a row.
Transition from 2 naps a day to 1 nap a day.
Discovering the power in the word “no”
Maximum effort during trips to the park, I was constantly worried because I had a child that would jump from and off of anything, he had no fear.
Remembering those challenges and looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead, I just remind myself that this period of discovery is so crucial to my child’s development. They learn about their physical world and natural consequences , but they are also using many of their emotions, the sweetest of which is empathy. I hope that with our last child, we can see the world in all it’s newness and nurture the seed of empathy.
I hope you enjoy the toddler years, they are some of my favorite.