Balance Bike

The first time I saw a balance bike was a softball field. A 2 year old was riding willy nilly in the grass while his mom played softball and I was amazed. I asked her a ton of questions about the bike and my the end of the game I was convinced we were getting my son a balance bike when he turned 2.


This bike provided so much freedom for my son. He of course was wobbly at first and walked slowly as he straddled the bike. After a few weeks he was riding down hills with his legs straight out. This bike went with us everywhere and he had the best naps of his life after a morning on the balance bike.


Remember toddlers and preschoolers crave freedom of movement and independence.  They want to run when we say walk, and sit when we say run. Give your child autonomy with a balance bike, they are controlling the direction of movement, their speed (hopefully) and they get the visual feedback of moving scenery. Such a great investment and when it was time to move to a big boy bike he was more than ready. 


Toddlers need to move


Practical Life: getting dressed for Winter