Spooning Dry Material

 Transfer work is another great activity for small hands. Spooning dry material such as beans, rice or pasta allows children to see the physical difference they can make on their environment. 



Benefits of spooning

  • Visual representation of “empty” and “full”

  • Working relationship between cause and effect

  • Sensory satisfaction of hearing dry material as it moves from spoon to bowl

  • Fine motor strengthening ( his will come in handy as they feed themselves more confidently)

As you can see from the photos the boys are spooning corn kernels and macaroni pasta. This material provides visual interest and invites children to listen as the material lands in the bowl as well as feeling the weight of the material in a full spoon versus an empty spoon.


Change the materials based on the seasons to keep children interested in this work.



-       Seeds

-       Soil

-       Small rocks


-       Marbles

-       Brightly colored beads


-       Beans

-       Corn


-       Rice

-       Lentils

As pictured below, spooning turned into pouring, which is perfectly fine. Remember out job is guid the children, they have the inner drive that will direct their learning. As long as materials are being used respectfully, allow learning to continue in their unique way.


Don’t underestimate the power of spooning. Present on a tray with 2 bowls and a spoon, and watch children become completely engaged in this work. 


Season Sorting Cards


Color mixing with Pipettes