Coffee Filter Snowflakes

I am not a big fan of snow, even growing up in the Midwest, I’m just not a fan. Of course as a kid I loved it, but somewhere along the way of shoveling driveways and sidewalks, throwing salt on the porch, warming up my car on frosty mornings and slipping down icy roads, snow has lost its luster for me.

Camden Snow Angel

However my sweet children LOVE snow, my sister and nephew would appear to love it as well, but they might be putting on a show!

Winter Me.jpeg
Emorie eating Snow
Group Sledding

Notice my sister is the one smiling.

I am the one bundled against the cold!

So with it being a dry Winter so far (I guess it actually isn’t winter yet, but we usually have snow by now), we made our own snowflakes. They’re much easier to cleanup than real snow and the snowflakes are large enough for us to actually see the design. Enjoy!

What you’ll need

  • Coffee filters

  • Pencil

  • Child size scissors

  • Clothespin (optional)

  • Watercolor paints (optional)

Cutting Filter Snowflake
  1. Open coffee filter

  2. Fold in half

  3. Fold into third from the right side

  4. Cross over the other third from the left side

  5. Use a clothespin to hold in place while you fold other filters

  6. Draw a design on ONE surface (only draw on one side of the pie shaped filter)

  7. You or your child cut along the lines

  8. Unfold and paint or hang without painting

Coffee Filter snowflake

Paint finished snowflake

Fun Fact:

ALL snowflakes have 6 sides or major points. I know you see decorations, drawings and other representations of snowflakes BUT snowflakes have to have 6 sides because of their molecular structure. When the ice crystals form the shape will ALWAYS form a 6 pointed/sided snowflake. That is why I fold the coffee filter into 1/6ths.

Just a little science for ya!


There are truly endless possibilities to how you or your child can cut these snowflakes. I’ve prefolded several of these snowflakes so my children can just grab and cut. However is my daughter is in the mood she does have the ability to fold the coffee filter with minimal assistance. Depending on your child’s experience with folding and with fine motor skills that activity can be tailored to their current skill level. My son has enough fine motor control to fold and cut these snowflakes without any assistance.



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