Montessori at Home: CVC words

Your child has now spent an extensive time with the pink materials, they are ready to read several words per page and to read books that contain primarily CVC words. Children may move up or down on the lists, they are randomly arranged so list number does not determine the challenge level.

Purpose: Read CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words

Materials: Lists of CVC words

 Place in a basket or on a clipboard for children to read as they please.

This work helps children with fluency, they can read the words with ease, they have read these words many times and are familiar with the CVC pattern. Children can read one or more of these lists everyday.

Numbered lists


Extension Work

  1.  Children can write the words from the pink list with the moveable alphabet

  2.  Children can copy the words into a notebook.

  3.  You can write the CVC words without the vowel, ask the children to fill in the blank with the correct vowel.

Words are no longer organized by vowel sound.


Montessori at Home: objects and words


Montessori at Home: Reading Games