Hot Wheels Car Wash

Hot Wheels Car Wash


My oh my, do we have a collection of Hot Wheels. My god sons who are now in high school, graciously gave us their Hot Wheels collection and my son was so overjoyed. As I looked at the cars I thought about different ways we could use them in our Montessori preschool. Though this idea is not original to me at all, I would like to point out that adding organization and simplicity can turn an ordinary car wash into Montessori work.



We used


Bucket to carry water (my son filled the bowls with water from the bucket)

Tray for the dirty cars

Soapy water for washing

Clean water for rinsing

Drying mat for clean cars


Scrub brush

Small soap dispense

Towel for drying



He was engaged with this work for nearly 45 minutes. 

Remember to follow the child, when at all possible do not confine them to time limits. Learning takes place as their hands are working!


DIY Colored Salt


Pink Tower Extensions