Summer Fun & Safety

Three Tips for Summer Fun and Safety With

Breastfeeding Babes and Little Ones

It’s time for picnics, chasing fireflies, relaxing at the pool, and road trips! Summer is one of my favorite seasons because of the longer days and tons of sunshine! So far we’ve gone on a mini road trip, spent lots of evenings at the park, and played with water shooters in the backyard.

Looking to for a little guidance on Summer Fun & Safety then read on!

Tip 1 Get Out Early in the Morning or Late in the Evening

During these long Summer days there are a few extra hours of daylight which means it gets hot early and stays hot longer throughout the day. Your circadian rhythm will also thank you for getting out first thing, which allows your body to reset and creates more of a natural daily rhythm. A few mornings we’ve gone outside to read our favorite Bible stories and its been a great way to start the day. On rainy days I let my preschooler run around and puddle jump!

Tip 2 Eat Hydrating Foods

Yummy foods like melon are in season! Shop at your neighborhood farmers market for fresh local produce! Hydrating foods are also great to help maintain breastmilk supply! My favorite hydrating foods are watermelon, cucumber, and cantaloupe.

Speaking of hydration- expect to breastfeed more frequently when its out and humid, your baby will be thirsty!

If your baby is less than 6 months old their kidneys have not developed enough to filter water, your breastmilk will provide them with enough hydration. If your baby is 6 months -12 months water can be introduced in small amounts however your breastmilk is still the main source of their hydration.

Tip 3 Protect Yourself from the Hot Summer Sun

Zoo trips, splash pads, nature hikes, sooner or later you are going to find yourself in the sun this summer. Having the right gear makes a real difference when you are out and about with your littles. Sunscreen, sun hats, and light weight clothing all play a huge role in how comfortable we are out in the sun. Stroller fans are a huge modern convenience. For me personally I love using the mesh sun guard that is a great feature of my Lillebaby 4 in 1 carrier!

Are you looking for more Summer fun tips? Check out the Sleep Easy Clinic blog where Kensey Butkevich has shared her top tips!



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