Prepared Beginnings

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Can Working & Breastfeeding Co-Exist?

I LOVE walking alongside working mamas! It is truly my joy to serve working mamas because… I AM A WORKING MAMA! i totally understand the juggling, the mom guilt, the constant refining of your routine to make- working-WORK!

If you are a working and breastfeeding mama then read on…

Working & Breastfeeding

If you are at the point where you feel you must choose one or the other then mama I am here to provide some clarity and encouragement. And if you are preparing to return to work then know that you do not have to ditch your milky journey in order to maintain your work schedule. Will you need to shift things around, yes! Will you have to pivot and redefine your journey, yep! can it be done, absolutely!

I think it is important to first say this: your journey is your journey!

You will find far more success in your breastfeeding journey if you focus on your needs, your work schedule/demands, your supply, and your baby. Comparing your freezer to stash to a stranger online is going to set you up for failure. Comparison is the thief of joy! Buying all of the latest pumps and gear because of an IG post is one bad for your budget but also will cause more confusion and stress!

Speaking of stress…it’s the fastest factor that can drop your supply! Managing your stress is going to be key, not only to your sanity but also to your supply. Finding healthy ways to de-stress and unplug, connect with uplifting friends, and getting out in nature are fantastic ways to manage your stress. If you don’t have any healthy outlets for dealing with stress, I am going to challenge to really dig deep and find at least 2 healthy ways to manage your stress.

Okay, moving on!

Benefits of Being a Breastfeeding & Working Mama

  1. Breastfeeding can be a great way to help a working mama to feel connected to her infant while away at work!

  2. The longer you breastfeed the more you will protect yourself from certain types of breast caner and ovarian cancers as well as heart disease and diabetes!

  3. Breastfeeding exclusively through the first 6 months can prevent ovulation! this is called the LAM method and you should do some research before embarking on the LAM journey!

  4. Some jobs have flexible programs where breastfeeding infants under 6 months can come with you to work!

If you are looking for strategies for maintaining your supply while working then I am going to encourage you to return back to the basics:

  • Empty frequently and consistently

  • Use hands on pumping

  • Stay hydrated

  • Replace your pump parts as needed

  • Keep a snack in your pump back

  • Have an extra set of pump parts at work

  • Keep a hand pump in your car or desk for back up

  • Use relaxation techniques before pumping

I would love to hear from you and learn about your strategies for juggling breastfeeding and working! Drop a comment below!

Be Well & Talk Soon,
